Chess Masters

Village Kids is a strong proponent of chess education from an early age, and works closely with teachers and families to strengthen the chess culture in our community. We offer chess classes and practice sessions where students can hone their skills in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Tournaments and Grandmaster Classes, scheduled throughout the year, supplement our regular coaching sessions and help broaden the students’ experience and knowledge. Seasonal Championships are organized during half-days and select holidays. Please consult the Calendar page for upcoming events.
Michah Saperstein has been teaching youth for twenty years. As an undergraduate he spent several years abroad studying Anthropology, traveling and teaching English. He found many analogies between learning the fluency of a language and learning the fluency of chess. Michah works with students, schools and camps all over New York City. He knows how to make chess fun, engaging and meaningful.
Chih-lan Lu is a PS 3 alum parent, and life-long chess enthusiast. She has been a dedicated member of our coaching team for more than a decade, assisting Michah during instruction, practice sessions, chess tournaments and field trips to iconic institutions such as the Marshall Club and Washington Square park in Greenwich Village.
What’s the ideal age to learn chess? Each child is different. Some 4-year-olds might be ready while other children have to wait until 5 or 6.
What is the difference between chess classes and chess practice? Classes are led by professional coaches, in three separate tracks. Beginners learn how the pieces move and the basic rules of the game (capture, promotion, castling, etc). Intermediate and advanced players learn strategy and tactics, analyze famous games, and engage in supervised play.
Any other resources you would recommend? is a great online resource for young players. Children enrolled in our chess classes are encouraged to purchase a membership.