Academics & Beyond

Classes vary from term to term. Please check current program schedule for activities available this season.
Creative Writing • The Art of Storytelling
In this program, students enhance their writing skills and learn to work as a team in a creative setting. Students collaborate in brainstorming sessions to select an original story idea, complete individual writing assignments, and provide feedback and advice to their peers – fostering social skills in the process!
Debate Club
Learn the art of persuasion! Students work in rotating groups and practice their debating skills in a supportive environment, including developing arguments, issuing rebuttals, providing examples, rebuilding their case and summarizing points of view. Students learn to think on their feet and enhance their public-speaking skills, gaining self-confidence in the process.
Setup your own newspaper, and develop time management and writing skills as you learn “who, what, when, where and why.” Students will learn to interview, write about local news, voice their opinions in op-ed essays and manage production of their digital publication. A must for aspiring school newspaper writers and editors!
Foreign Languages 
Led by native speakers, our language clubs are designed to provide exposure to the new language in a playful environment. Children learn words for common actions, as well as colors, numbers, and other key vocabulary for everyday life. By the end of the semester participants should be comfortable leading some basic daily routines in the new language. Languages vary from term to term, depending on instructor availability, but Spanish and French are offered most semesters.
Model UN
Students act as United Nations (UN) delegates, collaborating in teams to develop policy recommendations and debating current global issues aligned to the UN’s sustainable development goals.Students enhance their research and communication skills, while gaining a solid exposure to debating international affairs, problem solving in a diplomatic context, and making persuasive presentations.
My First Passport
This fun program helps students develop a global mindset and build international awareness! Explore cultural differences across countries, geography games, famous landmarks, world currencies, current global events, the role of international institutions like the UN, and more. Students role-play as diplomats and come up with solutions to key global problems like hunger, poverty and pollution.