Do you offer any discounts?
Yes, discounts/incentives are available throughout the year.
What is the afterschool cancellation/refund policy?
Tuition charges are refundable if you cancel enrollment by the second Friday of the new season [minus the non-refundable deposit].
Why does Village Kids require a non-refundable deposit?
The cancellation policy is in place in order to protect our employees. Hiring decisions about support staff and specialty teachers are based on enrollment and those commitments must be honored even if the number of participants decreases.

My child has an IEP. Can my child attend Village Kids programs? 
Yes, all children are welcome. Please keep in mind that our program is based on a 1 staff to 10 children ratio and all children have to be able to handle an inclusive environment. Currently, we do not offer individualized support services. If your child requires more attention and/or support than we provide this may or may not be the best setting for them. We will make every effort to support your child’s needs however we recommend that families evaluate the program prior to registration to see if this is a good fit. To schedule a meeting with our site director please email our office. 
If my child misses any afterschool days or classes, will we get a credit? 
We are unable to issue credits or refunds if a child fails to attend a scheduled day or class.
Do I need to notify anyone if my child is going to miss afterschool day(s)? 
Yes. Please notify your child’s school teacher and the afterschool office as well.
What happens if one of my child’s afterschool classes is cancelled?
When a class is cancelled due to instructor illness or some other type of emergency, we invite students enrolled in that class to join a different activity. No credits or refunds will be issued under these circumstances.
Can we request enrollment changes like switching classes or weekdays? 
Yes, you can request changes to your child’s registration schedule during the first two weeks of each new semester provided there are slots available.
Can my child attend the program on different weekday(s) just this week? 
Semester enrollment cannot be adjusted week by week. There are no credits or refunds available in case of absence.
Can I register for an occasional DropIn day?
Families currently enrolled in our program can request a DropIn date, but we cannot guarantee availability.
Do you offer homework help?
Children are encouraged to complete their homework while in afterschool. During their homework and recreation period, a staff member will be available to answer any questions students may have. However, our staff is not responsible for the accuracy and/or completion of the child’s homework assignments.
Who do I contact to discuss my child’s participation in the program and/or report a behavior issue? 
Please email the afterschool office and request a meeting with our site director to discuss your concerns.
A follow-up meeting will be scheduled to discuss our director’s findings and explain which steps will be taken to address the issue.
What is your policy regarding outdoor play in cold weather?
Our program follows the guidelines issued by the Department of Education: Unless it is snowing, there is ice on the ground, or the wind-chill factor is below zero (-18 degree Celsius) students are allowed to play outdoors if they wish. Program staff should make sure that students cover up skin, wear warm clothing, and use several layers to stay warm. 
Are Village Kids Program affiliated with the Department of Education?
Village Kids is an independent, non-profit organization. It is not affiliated with the Department of Education.
How long has Village Kids been operating its afterschool program?
Our program was founded by a group of PS 3 parents in the 1980s, and has been running continuously since then. Visit this page to learn more about the history of the organization and its deep roots in the community.
Why does Village Kids charge tuition fees?
Our program receives no funding from the city or the state. It relies on tuition fees to cover its operational costs.
The first day for Afterschool is different from the first day for public schools. Why is that?
When the school year starts there are a number of changes still being processed (children may switch classrooms or even schools). In addition, all students need a few days to adjust to their school routine which may involve meeting new teachers and classmates, learning school protocols, taking the bus home, etc. We have learned from experience, that it is best to allow everyone a few days to settle before introducing students and their families to our team and our own protocols and procedures.
Is there a FREE afterschool program in the neighborhood?
Yes, there is a Beacon program that runs inside City-as-School. For more information, please contact:
• New York Edge Beacon Program
• Phone: 212-337-6882
• Address: City As School,16 Clarkson St, New York, NY 10014